Mango Season is almost over so we’re making the most of it while it lasts!
Here are 13 Fun Facts about Mangoes, to celebrate our favourite fruit!
- Mangoes were first grown in India over 5,000 years ago.
- They provide 100% of your daily vitamin C, 35% of your daily vitamin A and 12% of your daily fibre.
- Giving someone a basket of mangoes is considered a gesture of friendship.
- More fresh mangoes are eaten around the world every day than any other fruit.
- In India, mangoes are considered a symbol of love and some believe they can even grant wishes.
- In many cultures, mango leaves are used as floral decorations at weddings, due to the superstition that they help the couple to have children.
- Legend says that Buddha meditated under the cool shade of a mango tree.
- The oldest living mango tree is 300 years old and is found in East Khandesh. Surprisingly, it still produces fruit!
- The paisley pattern, developed in India, is based on the shape of a mango.
- Mangoes are related to cashew nuts and pistachios.
- The mango is the national fruit of India, Pakistan and the Philippines. It is also the national tree of Bangladesh.
- The flowers of a mango tree are small and white with five petals, and the fruit takes between three and six months to ripen.
- You can’t tell whether a mango is ripe just by its colour, even a green mango can be ripe. We recommend the ‘squeeze-test’!
We hope you enjoyed our fun facts about mangoes! Don’t forget to make the most of mango season, while you still can!