Introducing Egyptian mangoes

Introducing Egyptian mangoes

At Red Rickshaw, we are huge mango fans. We already seasonally stock fresh Honey, Alphonso, Bedami and Kesar mangoes, and now we have introduced Egyptian mangoes to the family. 

why egyptian mangoes?

Mango season in Egypt is from June until November, meaning we have a few more months left to enjoy these delicious, fresh mangoes. Mangoes need high humidity to grow, and so thrive in areas such as the Nile Delta. 

There are fifteen types of mango cultivated in Egypt, but the most famous type of Egyptian mangoes are Owais, which are very sweet. Egypt also exports Zebdea mangoes which are sugary and butter-like. 

What's good about mangoes?

Mangoes are a great source of vitamin A and flavonoids such as beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and beta-cryptoxanthin. About half a mango will provide 25% of your recommended daily amount of vitamin A. Their properties have been known to have antioxidant benefits and are linked to maintaining healthy eyesight.

Mango facts

Here are 13 Fun Facts about Mangoes, to celebrate our favourite fruit!

1. Mangoes were first grown in India over 5,000 years ago.

2. They provide 100% of your daily vitamin C, 35% of your daily vitamin A and 12% of your daily fibre.

3. Giving someone a basket of mangoes is considered a gesture of friendship.

4. More fresh mangoes are eaten around the world every day than any other fruit.

5. In India, mangoes are considered a symbol of love and some believe they can even grant wishes.

6. Legend says that Buddha meditated under the cool shade of a mango tree.

7. The oldest living mango tree is more than 300 years old and is found in East Khandesh. Surprisingly, it still produces fruit!

8. The paisley pattern, developed in India, is based on the shape of a mango.

9. Mangoes are related to cashew nuts and pistachios.

10. The mango is the national fruit of India, Pakistan and the Philippines. It is also the national tree of Bangladesh.

11. The flowers of a mango tree are small and white with five petals, and the fruit takes between three and six months to ripen.

12. You can’t tell whether a mango is ripe just by its colour, even a green mango can be ripe. We recommend the ‘squeeze-test’!

13. In many cultures, mango leaves are used as floral decorations at weddings, due to the superstition that they help the couple to have children.

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