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MDH Sabji Masala 100g

MDH Sabji Masala 100g

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MDH Sabji Masala 100g: Spices blend for vegetables

How to prepare: Mushroom and green peas: Fry 150gt chopped onion in 70g cooking oil in deep pan till golden, Add coarsely chopped 100g, Tomatoes and 1/2 tbsp Deggi mirchi salt to taste and 15g Sabji masala, Stir and cook for 5mins, Then add 250g Mushrooms, Cut into 2-4 stir cook for 5mins add 200g green peas, 1/2 cup water and let it simmer for 10mins without covering till cooked, Sprinkle few Kasoori methi leaves mix and serve.

Ingredients: Coriander, cumin, chilli, Turmeric, Black pepper, cloves Fenugreek leaves, salt nutmeg, dry ginger, cardamom, fennel, carawaymustard, garlic flakes, onion flakes, mace, cardamom green, adafoetida.